Friday, August 28, 2009

MSotD- Наутилус Помпилиус: Хлоп - Хлоп

Music selection of the day. Nautilus Pompilius sings a catchy song about being a cog in the war machine. Or something.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Music selection of the day

Something new I'm doing to keep shit moving along.

The Protomen- The Will of one.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who knew Hitler was hilarious?


So, today, I was purusing the youtube, looking for videos to occupy my level grinding time when-oh? What is this? Not that I had never seen the Der Untergang/Downfall internet meme before, but I had no idea there was such a variety in topics. Family Guy over Simpsons? Check. Banned from Xbox Live? Check. Angry because Micheal Jackson had the cheek to die before he could preform at Hitler's birthday concert? Checkcheckcheck. I have many loves for the people who put their hard work and time into proliferating this wonderful meme. Watch it live!

Friday, August 14, 2009

More updates due to hardcoreness.

Oho. You folks are lucky. The demons compel me to post once again, dealing, at this point, with two projects ongoing at the SCS at this very moment: Who Exists, being written by me, and Virtuoso's Ultimatum, being written by Salza.
Who Exists is a...well, I want to say experimental piece, as I'm writing in a different style then usual. It focuses on a legal battle between two different parties, one surrounding Andy, a child star who's grown up and wants to work on more serious things, and the other party surrounding Dan, his manager who wants to keep milking him by forcing him to stay on the projects he hand picks. Basically, each scene focuses on the dialogue at hand, with the narrative very simple and understated, only mentioning slightly the action of the characters inbetween dialogue. I'm writing this with the intention of making it all subtle, with little inference from myself. Hopefully, it compels the reader to think and pick up on the things not being outright explained. An excerpt from the forum:

"Andy was in his mother's kitchen, nursing a glass of milk while she hand mixed cake batter. The silence was heavy.
"So...Andy. You don't think this will end badly, do you?"
He was silent.
"I understand if you don't want to discuss this at the moment, but you can't just push it to the back of your mind."
He thought about it. Swirling the milk with his index finger.
"Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I should just pack up all my things and run away. Or maybe I should take nothing and just leave. Just walk till I can't walk anymore and drop dead."
She nodded.
"Do you think that will solve your problems?"
"I wouldn't have to worry about people trying to manipulate me or control me. I would be free."
"No, you'd be dead."
"Maybe being dead is better then being controlled."
She sighed. She took the batter and poured it into a cake pan.
"The only thing that's holding you back is your attitude. And you know that."
Andy took a sip of milk. The ice had melted, watering the milk down. It didn't taste right.
"I wish I had never gotten into this. Maybe I could have been normal. Or accepted. Maybe I'd be at somewhere, having fun. I don't even understand what it means to be normal. How....pathetic is that?"
"Baby, you know that's all nonsense. What's gotten into to make you think like this? Maybe you need a girl friend or something."
"But I'm not normal. I'm not even human. I'm a commodity. I'm...just profit...I have no real..footing in reality...I can't...I can't even..."
He began to cry. Streaming tears that embodied his distraught inner psyche. His mother rubbed his back.
"One day, you're gonna get rid of all these demons. And you'll see how beautiful of a person you really are. One day day..."
They cried together."

Virtuoso's Ultimatum is a piece written by Salza. It essentially follows the paths of Rayn Veritas and Axl Burose and their connections to the Auditor. In all honest, I can't explain the intricacies of the plot and the meaning behind the story, but I can tell you that it is beautifully written. On the old Wakfu Forums, Sal and myself were the most prominent writers, and I guessed that on the inside I always considered us to be rivals of sort. He's defintely surpassed me with this one, though. READ IT.

"There is something about Amakna at eventide’s awakening that really inspires something within you. A feeling of... fear... something foreboding. Everything begins to stand still, and the darkness becomes obscure. The wolf does not prowl at night seeking for the lamb, for the revulsion of death becomes wary even in the predator. There is something mischievous about it that keeps everyone on their tip-toes, and as I tread on this dreaded path, I do not hesitate to imagine the epitome of the Auditor, lurking within this town. There lie a shutter to the right, clasping to the wall of someone’s home; an overhang to the left, with fresh rainwater dripping tenderly into a bucket that some bloke must’ve conveniently left there. With each step, muddy dirt from the track clung to the soles of my boots; an annoyance at best. The whisper of the Shadowkeeper in the ears of the Soothsayer, I seek to silence his twisted tongue. The distortion between the border of light and darkness was being manipulated, and I seek to bring verity to that which the citizens of Amakna saw a bogus actuality.

The mischievous whispers led me to a small Amaknian cottage littered with holes in the walls and roof. A rusted iron gate led me down a path of death and decay as I felt a presence that had traveled this walkway before. I pushed open the decrepit wooden panel of the door, listening to the eerie creak it stirred up as I pushed my way in. Things were far too silent to be of the norm. Step by step, the presence of darkness intensified. An evil unlike any other, lingered in the irrigous atmosphere, almost making it difficult to breathe. As I approached the end of the hallway, the darkness at the end of a tunnel blinded by light, the disparity, the malignance reached a focal point, and I knew behind this door, stood the malevolence which was the Auditor. I pushed the door open, and at the sinister zenith of which had even made me aflutter, to my utmost bewilderment, there was only but a child in the room.

I knew he had been here. I felt it in the aura that was left behind. This mere child had laid eyes on the nefarious Auditor without his life force vacuumed from his small husk. He had something that I knew would aide me one day in the future, so I parted him with a small trinket to show me if he ever found me again; the day in which the tunnel of blinding light has become a field of darkness, and the witching hour becomes the twilight which shrouds us all in darkness. I left him with a special shard, which holds at its center a powerful luminosity unlike any other.

One day, he will help defeat them."


Not really, broseph.

First bot of news involves the promised webcomic of the second to last post not actually coming to fruitation just wouldn't work out well. You know how these things get messy, your best friend walks in on you fking his grrlfren a fkton better then he ever would, and so he gets pissed and you're not friends anymore, which makes you feel a bit sad but on second thought, you can now fk his grrlfren without feeling the pang that comes from fking your best friend's grrlfren, because, well, fk that guy, he turned his back on you, so why the hell would you care about how he feels?

Ok....unleaded vitrol back to 145%....curse quota back up to the minimum....regained cynical status...
Oh, yes, just making up for all the lourve I showed for Ronald Jenkees work last post. Gotta keep the image up, and everything. Not that any of you actually cares.

Hmm. I have developed a hankering for some sort of graphic novel/manga project, but something of a much more...serious affair. Perhaps this will develop in the coming moon cycles.

Also, search for the show Peep Show on youtube. Genius shit, some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen. IT INSPIRES YOU TO BE EVEN GREATER THE WHAT YOU ARE.
So, do that. I'd post videos, but I can't be assed to go and get links and embed them and so on and so fking forth.
Go forward. And GROW.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So, every now and then, you come across something that's better then just being good, or even great. It's quite monumental. And you're not totally sure how to react to it, because it's not something you encounter every day. Hell, you may never encounter something like it again. But once you accept that this thing is more monumental then you and everything you will ever accomplish in your life, it begins to take a hold on you, and you become a better person.
This thing, or, rather, this person, is Ronald Jenkees.
Ronald is, essentially, a savant, but that really isn't significant, as his music is incredible. It's essentially synth beats played with such virtuosity you wonder why this man isn't world famous. But more impressive then his playing is the enthusiasm he plays with. It's palpable. There's no denying that this man has passion and love for what he does. Here's to you, Ronald.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Update because fml.

Hurray lack of constructive things to do. Hello blog of doom, here is your update.

Number 1: SCS is making a comic based on SCS.

You may think that is not a big deal, but then again, you are probably not initiated to the ways of SCS, which is, at the bare minimum, insanity multiplied to the highest level, then breaking through the ceiling and climbing even higher. Transcribing this to paper will be nigh impossible, but it will be done in the name of doing something to keep us occupied.
Rather a webcomic then us infiltrating your base and bitchslapping your dudes/mom.

Update 2!!!!!!!!
Uh. fml this video is GREAT.

Why is Kirk climbing a mountain? He's Kirk, why the fuck not.

Update 3: The people at DF forums thingy hate Dakk's blog. I looool irl. Comeuppance is eventual, always.

Update 44444: Studio Cold Star is actually being active and not being lazy bums as usual. The big thing now is the competiton for worst story ever, which is harder and a lot more fun then you'd think. Sign up to the forum if you haven't already and reaaad.

Update 5: Trick question, there is no fifth update

Update 6: Update 5 was not a trick question, so wtf am I talking about.

Update 7: I'm out. Screw you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Magical blog regeneration

To the non existant audience, a big fat "I'm sowwy" for not looking at this under nourished blog for so long. But after a lengthy admonishing from mom about how the blog is our responsibility and that we shouldn't leave it in a closet for days on end, we have learned our lesson, and will be updating the blog regularly with epic news reports and shit no one cares about but us, because we are the important ones in this relationship.
You, however, are disposible.
Customer knows best my ass.
So why not start off this gay little celebration by talking about something that I personally enjoy.

There's a Super Middleweight tournement that'll be starting off in October between the (aparently) best in the division. You've got Carl Froch, Arthur Abraham, Andre Dirrell, Andre Ward, Mikkel Kessler, and Jermaine Taylor all squaring off against each other at least once en route to the declaration of one undisputed super champion.

This is badass. This is monumental. This is what the sport needs. The best squaring off against the best. No bullshit excuses or dodging the real challenges in your division. This is what the people want to see. And for once, we get what we deserve. Not to mention that the guy who wins this thing will undoubtedly go down as one of the best middleweights in history. And that alone is great incentive to participate in such a magnificent event.

As for predictions as to how will win this whole thing....I have no fucking clue. My gut says Arthur Abraham, as he is, to my knowledge, the only guy on this list to get his jaw busted in grotesque fashion and still whoop ass. Plus his nickname is King Arthur. You really can' t fight against that sort of awesomeness and expect to win.

But I don't know enough about all the participants to jump to a conclusion. All I can say is that this will most certainly be an entertaining slew of battles. Gogogo tournament, may we have many more in the future.

And before I shut down the bar for tonight, a plug for former SCS blogger Dakk will be given in 3.

Have a good one fgtz.