Monday, September 14, 2009

France is a nice place.

What's good about France? No seriously, I'm asking. You don't know either. Well that's no good. Wait, I have a fantastic idea! Let's write a travel brochure about France using our largely cursory knowledge of the country!

1. The French are pussies.
I'm not sure when the French went from being frenzied gods of warfare to cowering toddlers hiding under their quilt from the monsters in the closet, but sometime after Napoleon got his ass bitchslapped at Waterloo, the French became unhardcore. Does anyone remember the French Revolution? You think talking back to the teachers in school is hardcore? Try beheading the principal, then go around parading his head in the hallways screaming in french. That's hardcore. Now the French go around prancing in frilly shirts and ladies perfume. Disgrace.
Now, you might be wondering how that's a good thing. Well, when you go over there, swinging around your American swagger, chatting up the womenfolk and breaking the law, you won't have to worry about the police assailing you. They'll prolly bribe you to behave. Ahahhaha, I predict a platoon of French legionnaires will be at my door in three hours to break all the bones in my body.

2.The French never get anything done, and when it does get done, it's not right.
Kudos to a certain french company who give all of us who play Dofus a heart attack with their awe inspiring ability to not get it right. For every good decision made, five more wrong decisions break the game. You may ask how this has anything to do with French society at large. Playing Dofus will foster within you an acute hatred for anything French. When something horrible happens, you blame the French. Landlord evicted you because you're too lazy to get a job, goddamn French. An army of French haters is rising in the heartland. Prepare for apocalypse.

3.Pretentious people like to say they've been to France because it makes them more pretentious.
What is it about France that pretentious cunts love so much? Is it the odd smelling cheese? The wine? That big metal thingy that they always show when France is discussed on tv? Why does France attract so many douches? What is the allure? Maybe its because France is the only place pretentious fucks can go and not have to worry about getting smashed in the face for being pricks. The world will never know.

...Ok, seriously, forget all of that. France is probably one of the nicest places in the world to go to. You know those European countries are always nice. Plus, Remi Gallard lives there, so its gotta be a nice place.

Please call off the assassination, please.

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