Saturday, June 13, 2009

Continuing the topic of school... nostalgia bites back.

So below my post is HealMack's argument (or rant) on school which has its points. I mean honestly, how much knowledge in school do you retain or need to really use after you're done with graduating? 90% of math formulas are useless to most people who do not pursue a career such as engineering where the formulas actually come in handy. And do you need to put on your resume that you know all the events of WWII on a day-by-day playback?

But... I still think everyone should go to school. There's a an old saying that goes around:
"You don't really appreciate what you have until it's gone."

And I damn straight agree with that quote in every way possible. It applies in every single situation in every single event. Another saying goes that your high school years are the best years of your life. I'll tell you now that I enjoyed my high school years, and that I could honestly say that I lived those years out like every day was my last.

But it'd be an understatement to say that I miss school. I regret not taking the 110% jubilant feeling I got from hanging out with friends or playing sports or even the silly business that went around during class and I regret not making it 200%. Now I sit every day in the reality aftermath, where you can't walk down the hallways to a gathering of your friends making jokes and laughing, where you can't joke around in a classroom with your classmates, where you can't go after school and say to yourself, "Alright, another fun day of volleyball with my team today!"

Because when I look back, nostalgia really bites back.

- Class of '08


  1. I never said I hate school, and if you want to go to college generally you need to learn what they teach you in high school. However, if people really don't want to learn they should be allowed to not go. That was my main point.

    I actually like school, for the record.

  2. And my point is, people should go to school regardless, or else they may regret later on.

    Make something out of the years. Sure, I'll agree with you on your main point; I just think that more people should take the experience for what it is, or at least make the best of it.

    There aren't a lot of fun jobs out there in the world. A small handful, really.
