Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sonic's dead

Does anybody wanna let me know what's going on at that clusterfuck known as Sega? Why has Sonic the Hedgehog suffered a string of failures only superceded by the Chicago fucking Cubs? I mean, this isn't some platforming hasbeen like Crash Bandicoot or that Bubsy the Cat thing, or whatever the hell it's name is.

This is Sonic the Hedgehog. He was a legend! He was the fastest thing ever! I mean, how can a guy fall so far? And it's not like the forumla is complex: Give Sonic a few generic levels to speed through, a Robotnik robot to fight at the end of said level, and you've got a hit.

It's not hard at all. But apparently, Sonic Team or whoever is fucking up is letting their five year olds work on the game while they go get wasted on whatever drug is available to them.

There has been so much crap coming out of Sonic Team that people have actually demanded that Sonic be taken to the back and headshot'd old Yeller style. But I think that Sonic deserves better then euthanization. Sonic deserves a revamp, an attempt to make him better.

Take him back to the basics, or if you have to keep the current cast of characters, get somebody that can write a decent storyline. As a matter of fact, Sonic Team, just outsource the game to somebody who knows what they're doing.

And not Bioware. They're a talented team, but Sonic doesn't need to be turned into a turn based RPG.

Somebody like....maybe Insomniac Games. I hate the fact that they abandoned Spyro the wayt the did, but Insomniac makes good platforming games, and I'm more then sure they can give Sonic the quality game he deserves.
But whatever. It's not like Sonic Team's ever gonna read this blog, or anyone that can make a difference for that matter, so let's pretend this post was about raising race horses instead.

Go SatanSlicer! Race into the wind and ne'er look back!

PS: I don't think that Sega's idea to add more characters to the storyline of Sonic was a bad idea persay, the problem is the characters are useless. If Sega can develop these new characters and make them a viable part of the story, then I daresay they might have something good going on.


  1. Silly silly Twill, sonic was a bad idea from the start, it was a furry mario knockoff with megaman elements. It got progressively worse and deserves what it got today.
