Sunday, June 7, 2009

Just A Few Things

Hey readers, what's up? Welcome to Studio Cold Star, a blog about nothing much in particular. I want to talk about a few things in this post. The first thing I want to talk about is why this blog was made, and what we plan to use it for.

This blog was made by four members of the website
Studio Cold Star, obviously being Delgado, Jax, The Doctor, and I. We're not the only members of the site, although there aren't that many of us anyway. We simply made this blog so that we could express any thoughts we have, and just generally post whatever we're thinking about. That doesn't mean that we'll just post any idiotic idea that comes to us, but if we ever think up a story or any other form of media we wish to share, you just might be able to catch it here.

The next thing I want to talk about is a blog, and it's not this one. I'm hoping to be able to get another blog up and running in a few days, one based on video game design. It will focus upon the different concepts that video games make use of, and in it me and my partner in crime will review games, and try to work on our own. Hopefully you'll be able to visit it soon, and I'll be sure to post a link to it once it's ready.

The final thing I want to talk about is a comic, a webcomic in fact. It will be a collaboration between Jax and I, with him doing the artwork and I the story. I hope to get a little done in terms of characters and story in the next few days, but I'm sure you all know what school is like. Look for it in the summer.

Well, that's pretty much my post. Hope you all decide to come again, since I'm sure we'll have some interesting stuff to blog about. We're blogging in the blogosphere!

...I feel dirty for saying that.

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