Sunday, June 7, 2009

First post of substance

Because I am the main character of this cast and therefore the most important, I get to imprint my personality on the blog and goad you into believing that the blog will be following a certain topic, when in reality, the blog has no point other then to confuse and confound you and hopefully land you in the same mental facility as me, so we can be roommates.
Its been so long since I've had a roommate.
Am I creeping you out? Good, lets move on, sugar cakes.

E3 fin'd a few days ago, and I must say, I was overwhelmingly underwhelmed by it. Xbox is ripping off of Nintendroid AGAIN, the next Final Fantasy will becoming out sometime between next year and the end of Obama's second term, and there was a bunch of other titles that were largely forgettable.

I was most excited to hear about Fight Night Round 4, because, as you will soon find out, I am a huge boxing fan, and there's nothing like playing as a virtual boxer, (and by playing I mean living vicariously through the controller because I am too doughy to box myself), and knocking out all the AI opponents in the career mode because they're too fucking stupid to defend their face.

I mean, how can you not know how to defend your face? Seriously, its like, an instinct or something. Whatever.

I wa watching the G4 coverage of the show, and the information that the game producer Brian Hayes(who has the awesome nickname of Brizzo and seems like a badass in general) was predictably the same shit I have heard on end since I first became obsessed with this title.

The physics on the game are top notch, as evidenced by the demo(which is entertaining as hell, albeit slim pickings) but for fucks sake, there are more aspects to the game then glancing blows and spit. I mean, no game modes have been talked about, other then Legacy Mode, and that mode hasn't even been given much attention. But whatever, the game's coming out in about two weeks, so I'll be able to immerse myself in the glories of kicking virtual ass and not really feeling any better about anything. Because its a game and I have better shit to do, but I don't.

Fuck you priorities.

On another note, I was amused by Oliva Munn trying to act all knowledgeable about boxing, what with the "Oh, Tysons good on the inside Alis good on the outside" schtick, as if that hasn't been harped on one million times. But good try Munn, you're still awesome and hot and all that jazz.

Moving on to actual boxing, Miguel Cotto is gearing up to fight Joshua Clottey June 13. Cotto is a fucking stud, so I'm expecting him to tear Clottey's shit up. Nothing against Clottey, but I've only seen a few videos of him boxing, and I've never really been impressed by him, whereas Cotto has been more then impressive in most of his fights, sans the Margarito fiasco, but old boy plastered his hand wraps with cement, so fuck that. I'd be surprised if Cotto has any problems with this guy, but I'll give it to Cotto(obviously), unanimous decision.

My hands are fucking aching, and I don't need carpal tunnel at this point in my life, so I'll end it here.

(We wish to notify you that the views of Delgado are not synonymous with the views of Studio Cold Star, and Delgado's views may differ from the views of Studio Cold Star)


  1. How do you type with boxing gloves on?

  2. My powerful finger muscles burst through the gloves and create virtual masterpieces.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
