Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hans von Hozel

Hans von Hozel is the greatest writer ever and I wish to have his babies.

Why, you ask? Gentlemen, I present you his works:


There's something for everyone. Here are some examples.



One day, House was walk into his House.

"It is good to have House House!" say House, as he walk into House House.

Suddenly, the door on House House opened and Time Paradox flew out!

"YOU CANNOT HAVE HOUSE INSIDE HOUSE!!!!!" scream Time Paradox, as a paradox many times.

"But is House House!" say House.

"IT IS NO MORE FOR HOUSE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!" say Time Paradox, as the House disconnects from the floor and flys into Time Paradox.

And no more House House.
"But my House House!!!" say House, as a not House House.

But Time Paradox would not return House House.

"I cannot return House House without a make Paradox!" say Time Paradox.

House was annoy at this, and jumped into the Time Paradox, to get back House House.

"HOUSE HOUSE!" shout House, but there were no House House inside Time Paradox.

"I have turned House House to bricks..." say Time Paradox, and Time Paradox closed and House was stuck inside Time Paradox forever.


The Accidental Virus

Gordon Freeman made a standing inside Science Office.

Many science were littered across the room.

Suddenly, Gordon made discovery of something strange in his Science Readings!

"I THINK YOU SHOULD COME AND MAKE SEE THIS!!!" shout Gordon to the corridor..., but no one replied.

Gordon looked down at the Bacterias on his plate.

Suddenly, the bacteria flew off Plate!


The Bacteria began to danube and multiply, and soon the whole room was full Bacteria.

"OH NO!!" screamed Gordon, as he forgot to shut the window curtains and bacteria OUT THE WINDOW!!!!!

The Police had installed a camera into Gordon's Science Lab, and saw this with their film.

Suddenly, the Police jumped into the room.

"You have release VIRUS!" scream Police, and the put a capture on Gordon and send him to jail.

"BUT THE HALF LIFE!!!!" screamed Gordon!, as he made a sending to jail and bacteria disolves the lab.


World of Warcraft

In the futures, people were run out of Internet, so they had to make ration of internet!

But on day, all the nerds went to the internet maschine, to make a stealing from the internet so they could make a play World of Warcraft all the time!

The police heard of their crimes with their megaphone.

The nerds went back to their computers and made a playing on warcrafts.

They wore many goggles and made that Star Trek sign with their hands at each other.

Suddenly, the police burst into the rom.

"YOU SHALL NOT MAKE A STEALING FROM THE INTERNET!" yell police, and they make a shooting at the nerds.

"You shall no shoot us!" they make a shouting, and they hide behind the internet.

The police bullets shot the internet!

"BUT THIS WAS THE LAST INTERNETS WE HAD!!!!!!!!!!" scream police, and the internet exploded and no more internets.


  1. The malformed sentences and typos, coupled with the internets involved fills me with fuzzy feelings.

  2. Hans has more fans on then haters. They dislike him on Fictionpress, which makes me feel warm inside. I've never liked Trolls, and it takes months to get rid of them on

  3. His account is no longer active on Fanfiction - a truly sad day for humanity.
