Saturday, June 13, 2009

We've got teeth, we'll bite right back

In response to my friend Salza's post, I decided to write down my opinion on the subject. Sure, nostalgia is a power feeling, but we shouldn't focus on it. Nothing can be gained by wishing you still had those years to go back to, or regretting your actions in school, or otherwise. Once you make a choice, it's done, the moment's gone, and you're going to have to live with that.

I liken nostalgia to a shirt you don't like, or one you don't fit into. When you first get it, you don't really like it, and you can't wear it anyway. But as the years go by, you suddenly find yourself having never worn the shirt, and now it's too small for you to fit into. When you try to put it on, you realize that you can't, and you feel sad, knowing that you never got a chance to wear the shirt, even though you hated it.

What I mean to get at is simple. Just let go of the past. Who cares if you didn't accomplish everything you wanted to? There's still tomorrow. Regretting your choices is a waste of time. The only time that you won't be able to change your life is when you're in the grave, so keep moving. It isn't over until the fat lady sings, etc. etc.


  1. I like my shirts when I first buy them, or else I wouldn't have bought the shirt in the first place.


  2. Shut up man. ;>_> I know that the metaphor wasn't perfect, but I still think I got the point across
