Sunday, June 7, 2009

March of the Cold Star

Hello and welcome to the SCS blog, where there is no justice and the worship of idle pretentiousness is advised.
We of the Cold Star will be reducing your intelligence with posts regarding to the sheer joy of being free on the internet and not having to worry about mommy yelling at us for cursing and being dicks in general, because that's what the webz are for, dontcha know.
To shorten things up, because intros are boring as shit, here's a roll call:

Delgado/Twill: Obviously me, and not short on humility as evidenced in my profile. Aspiring writer and borderline cynic.

Saber/Saer/Sarbes/Hard Gay: Dude with a haircut molded by GOD. Wants to be a game designer or some shit.

Doctor Doctor/Daft/Scabies: Russian with a sharp wit and angst. Also the only girl (active).

Jax: Artist who is too fucking cool for SCS. Looks like a matrix dude when he wears glasses.

There will probably be more posters later on, but they'll have to intro themselves, because they should have been here when I was in the mood. Viva la Cold Star.

Prerequisite link to the home base: Here.

(We wish to notify you that the views of Delgado are not synonymous with the views of Studio Cold Star, and Delgado's views may differ from the views of Studio Cold Star)


  1. I'm clearly not a communist and yet you spread this nasty rumor on the very first post? Oh, you magnificent bastard you. :P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I took it out, therefore I am no longer a Aagnificent Bastard. I am the Colonel Badass though.
